Monday 18 July 2016

NET 2016 june solutions


  1. In question no 17 you have answered that energy Will depend upon 'n' only but according to answer key published by csir the energy will depend upon'n'and'l'
    I agree with your explanation and I had also answered the is there any other way to solve the problem or we should make a claim for the question ....

  2. the answer wrong. The energy will depend on n and l both. Because the term g/r^2 in the potential is like a centrifigual potental term l(l+1)/2mr^2. So the energy spectrum will depend on n and l both.

  3. the answer wrong. The energy will depend on n and l both. Because the term g/r^2 in the potential is like a centrifigual potental term l(l+1)/2mr^2. So the energy spectrum will depend on n and l both.
